Julia Langkraehr’s Blog

How to grow your business: speech highlights

how-to-grow-your-businessWhat should you focus on if you want to grow your business?

What are the most important factors that influence whether or not you are a success?

Four important factors are networking, risk-taking, entrepreneurial spirit and growth.

Recently, I was delighted to be asked to talk to the franchisees of Anytime Fitness at their annual conference about how to grow your business.

It is really exciting to see how fast the company is expanding  and it was great to meet so many of the company’s franchisees.

In my speech, “How to grow your Anytime business” I talked about how to make the most of these four factors:

  • networking
  • risk-taking
  • entrepreneurial spirit
  • growth

Here are some of the highlights – hopefully I gave some inspiration and practical advice on how to grow your business.

If you’d like to find out how we can help you grow your business, contact us for a complimentary 90 minute meeting.